Evelyn Sorohan
Contemporary Visual Artist

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Artist: Evelyn Sorohan

I am a socially engaged climate artist, drawing on my educational and visual art backgrounds to create innovative exploratory Climate Art. I start the process by investigating scientific Climate Data coupled with sketching, photographing, sculpting and painting native flora and fauna. These are the climate indicators in my local rural environment in Kilmaley, Co. Clare. I interview and collaborate with scientists. I study Climate data. I’m a citizen scientist with the National Biodiversity Centre of Ireland constantly interpreting the Climate data using a variety of creative visual processes to engage the public in a multidisciplinary visceral experience of Climate Change and Climate Action. As an artist educator I believe the development of critical thinking and creative thinking skills are critical to enabling the human race find solutions to slow Climate Change. Part of my participatory art process endeavours to do this. I create Arts based Climate Action participatory programmes for schools. My work as a creative associate with the Arts Council’s Creative School’s Team also compliments this work.
Click on the link to see the climate action art programme (CAPS) I developed in collaboration with Dr Alice Darcy of STEAM Ed. and Clare Education Centre. The ability of the children to grasp Climate Change and invent creative solutions is truly remarkable.https://youtu.be/RQJ9mFG8tZg I facilitated this programme over Zoom in six schools in Clare. We won significant ‘Public Innovation Funding’ to develop this creative work.


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Evelyn has a unique style of painting. As well as the usual application of acrylics she has introduced her own medium; plastic to her process. In a walk by the seashore she collects debris and transforms these into new creations. Blues, greens and yellow plastic bottles, bits of shells, sea grass are gathered. Out of these, when melted with her gas burner, they become her own palette. She applies these with paint onto a board or canvas. Evelyn's creativity is both exciting and challenging.

Dympna Bonfield 2019
(Artist from Co Clare)



We commissioned Evelyn to do a large painting for our sitting room. She visited and took a myriad of photos of the room. She spoke about her process and the colour palette she would use. Over three months she created a piece ‘ Ode to Colm and Niamh’ It’s a mixed media painting made out of her signature plastics, acrylic and resin in celebration of our lives.

Niamh Tuohy 2018
(Private collector from Co Dublin)



We bought pieces at Evelyn’s exhibition in AXIS, ‘From There to Here’. The piece I love best is a memory piece she made in honour of or grandparents. Evelyn collected artefacts, photos and other memorabilia and created a beautiful collage. It now has pride of place in our home.

Annemarie Wright
(Private collector from West Meath)

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